The Seniors County Cricket Championship

Home of 60s/70s Cricket in England and Wales

70+ 2024 World Cup

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On behalf of the National Management Committee and all Senior cricketers up and down the land we offer massive congratulations to John Evans and his squad for winning the inaugural IMC 70s World Cup..

It was a privilege to witness a gripping and high quality final between the England and Australia sides at the Getty ground,Wormsley, in front of a large enthusiastic crowd.

The final was the culmination of a fortnight of round robin matches in which the two top sides showed that they were some way ahead of the rest of the competition. Details of all matches can be found on the Play Cricket site and a large number of impressive individual performances can be tracked.

Defeating Australia in the final more than made up for the fact that the Aussies had inflicted England’s only defeat in the round robin stage.

Huge credit goes to the England 70s Manager Chris Lowe for over seeing and masterminding the competition. Months of planning and preparation by Chris and his team bore fruit in producing a memorable competition bringing together teams and supporters from all around the world. From the stunning opening ceremony at Eton Rowing to the final at Wormsley lasting memories have been cemented.

Seniors cricket goes from strength to strength and Chris and John and the whole squad should be very proud of the part they have played in taking us all further on this great journey.

Geoff Beale, Chairman   

The full scorecard can be viewed via this link Over 70s World Cup Final

Full match report and photos on the World Cup page

The new dedicated page for the 2024 70+ World Cup can be accessed by clicking on the following World Cup Logo below.
Content includes results , fixtures, photos and how to follow / watch all the matches

All the results and scorecards can be found at Over 70s World Cup Play Cricket

Dedicated Face Book page here   

Vice Presidents

Scyld Berry, Henry Blofeld, Roland Butcher, Paul Farbrace, Barry Hearn OBE, Sir Tim Rice

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