The Seniors County Cricket Championship

Home of 60s/70s Cricket in England and Wales


Our Sponsors

Sporta StoneHill
County Representative
Terry Sims
Tel: 07970 420171
Email: [email protected]
Nigel Green
Tel: 07936 760839
Email:  [email protected]
Naomal Wijesooriya
Tel: 07710 998721
Email:  [email protected]
60+ Ist XI Captain
Shahid Iqbal
Tel: 07825 661818
Email: [email protected]
60+ 1st XI Manager
Mark Taylor
Tel: 07785 261682
Email: [email protected]
60+ 1st XI Fixtures Secretary
Mark Taylor
Tel: 07785 261682
Email: [email protected]
60+ 2nd XI Captain
Nigel Green
Tel: 07936 760839
Email: [email protected]
60+ 2nd XI Manager
Ian Berwick 
Tel: 07740 283586
Email: [email protected]
60+ 2nd XI Fixtures Secretary
Ian Berwick
Tel: 07740 283586
Email: [email protected]
60+ 3rd XI Captain
Mark Ede
Tel: 07860 286688
Email: [email protected]
60+ 3rd XI Manager
Phil Mitchell
Tel: 07905 695104
Email: [email protected]
60+ 3rd XI Fixtures Secretary
Phil Mitchell
Tel: 07905 695104
Email: [email protected]
60+ 4th XI Captain
Colin Baxter
Tel: 07773 335306
Email: [email protected]
60+ 4th XI Manager
Mark Wheeler
Tel: 07770 284384
Email: [email protected]
60+ 4th XI Fixtures Secretary
Mark Wheeler
Tel: 07770 284384
Email: [email protected]
60+ 5th XI Captain
Cliff Feraday 
Tel: 07379 726787
Email: [email protected]
60+ 5th XI Manager
Bob Adye
Tel: 07941 611827 
Email: [email protected]
60+ 5th XI Fixtures Secretary
Bob Adye
Tel: 07941 611827 
Email: [email protected]
70+ 1st XI Captain
Simon Sargent
Tel : 07547 198332
Email: [email protected]
70+ 1st XI Manager
Keith Mitchell
Tel: 07811 840252 
Email: [email protected]
70+ 1st XI Fixtures Secretary
Keith Mitchell
Tel: 07811 840252 
Email: [email protected]
70+ 2nd XI Captain
Nigel O’Dell
Tel: 07500 986604
Email: [email protected]
70+ 2nd XI Manager
Dave Carter
Tel: 07940 794491
Email: [email protected]
70+ 2nd XI Fixtures Secretatry
Dave Carter
Tel: 07940 794491
Email: [email protected]
70+ 3rd XI Captain
Ian Gibbs 07728 
Tel: 07728 310558
Email: [email protected]
70+ 3rd XI Manager
Howard Berlin 
Tel: 07973 122170
Email: [email protected]
70+ 3rd XI Fixtures Secretary
Howard Berlin 
Tel: 07973 122170
Email: [email protected]


Vice Presidents

Scyld Berry, Henry Blofeld, Roland Butcher, Paul Farbrace, Barry Hearn OBE, Sir Tim Rice

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