The Seniors County Cricket Championship

Home of 60s/70s Cricket in England and Wales


Our Sponsors

Sporta StoneHill
County Representative
Geoff Beale
Tel: 01420 565624
Mob: 07821 008148
Email: [email protected]
Peter Green
Mob: 07793 892571
Email: [email protected]
Tony Adams
Tel: 02380 263856
Mob: 07718 581111
Email: [email protected]
60+ Ist XI Captain
Andy Steggall
Mob: 07979 700606
Email: [email protected]
60+ 1st XI Manager
Nick Board
Mob: 07811 255453
Email: [email protected]
60+ 1st XI Fixtures Secretatry
Nick Board
Mob: 07811 255453
Email: [email protected]
60+ 2nd XI Captain
Andy Weeks
Mob: 07976549372
Email: [email protected]
60+ 2nd XI Manager
Andy Chapman 
Mob: 07763 493909
Email: [email protected]
60+ 2nd XI Fixtures Secretatry
Andy Chapman
Mob: 07763 493909
Email: [email protected]
70+ 1st XI Captain
Andy Jarvis
Mob: 07470572612
Email:[email protected]
70+ 1st XI Manager
Peter Tapper
Mob: 07772 297312
Email: [email protected]
70+ 1st XI Fixtures Secretatry
Peter Tapper
Mob: 07772 297312
Email: [email protected]


Vice Presidents

Scyld Berry, Henry Blofeld, Roland Butcher, Paul Farbrace, Barry Hearn OBE, Sir Tim Rice

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