The Seniors County Cricket Championship

Home of 60s/70s Cricket in England and Wales

Play Cricket Help and Guidelines

Our Sponsors

Sporta StoneHill

Results and Stats

All Championship fixtures are put onto the the Play-Cricket system by Derrick Sheldon who is the Administrator of the Championship Play Cricket Website. They appear on each County’s Play-Cricket website and are linked to your opponents’ websites for the relevant match. 

Therefore, when the Home County has entered the detailed result on their Play-cricket website, it automatically appears on the Away County’s website as well as the Play-Cricket website for the National Championships which can found Here

The Away side should always check the entry by the Home team as they may need to edit the scorecards to add any names of catchers etc not know by the home team. The Result can then be confirmed by the Away team.

As each detailed result is entered, the “Stats” section on your website will be updated for your players batting and bowling averages.  Also, all players’ statistics in the Championships will be shown on the Championship Play Cricket Website. This will facilitate selection for International matches.

Postponed / Cancelled / Abandoned Matches

If a match is postponed or abandoned without a result, please do not enter “cancelled” or “abandoned” as the result in Play-Cricket. Instead just leave the fixture as open.

When a new date has been agreed any County Play Cricket Fixtures Administrator or Main Administrator can amend the Fixture details accordingly.

If you have any problems changing Fixture details on Play Cricket then please contact Derrick Sheldon who will amend the new date, ground and start time for you as appropriate.

In all cases please inform Derrick Sheldon of the rearranged date, start time and venue so the website can be upadated accordingly.

If the match cannot be re-played, “cancelled” can be entered as the result on the Play-Cricket website.

Player League Registrations

You can find the guide for Registering New Players for our competitions Here

Or email Derrick Sheldon at [email protected] for a copy of the guide document for Registering New Players.

Team Picker

You can use this feature on your your Play-cricket county website to send out selection emails, including notification to your umpire and scorer. Once a fixture has been created , you can go into each match and enter the name of your umpire and scorer once known then use the Team Picker before the match.


If you are new to Play-cricket and would like some advise please contact Derrick Sheldon (01727 758565) or via email at [email protected] who will be happy to assist.

If you have any query regarding a fixture on Play-cricket, please contact Derrick Sheldon or the main organser for the specific competition. If you have a technical query concerning Play-cricket, you will get a speedy response from the ECB helpdesk at [email protected]

Vice Presidents

Scyld Berry, Henry Blofeld, Roland Butcher, Paul Farbrace, Barry Hearn OBE, Sir Tim Rice

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